Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Members

The IBC DEI committee is made up of faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students. Our goals are to: promote a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace within the IBC; act as confidential contacts and liaisons to report any DEI related issues; provide DEI related trainings and resources through sponsored seminars and our webpage; conduct annual surveys to identify areas of improvement for the IBC; and organize social events that enhance the inclusivity and community within the IBC.

The committee members are all volunteers who value DEI within the workplace. Committee terms are 3 years for faculty and staff, and 2 years for postdocs and students. Please contact any of the committee members if you have a DEI related concern, suggestion, or would like to get involved.

Commitee Member NameE-mail
Phil Bates, Associate Professor, Chairphil_bates@wsu.edu
Dylan Baty, Greenhouse Managerdylan.baty@wsu.edu
Teresa Beckvold, Principal Assistant, Co-Chairteresa.beckvold@wsu.edu
Bing Liu, Postdoctoral Research Associatebing.liu1@wsu.edu
Prasad Parchuri, Postdoctoral Research Associateprasad.parchuri@wsu.edu
Montana (Tana) Rayburn, Graduate Studentmontana.rayburn@wsu.edu